First of all, I have successfully finished a month of highschool. (Enjoying Literature and Foreign Language.)
Angelcake Creations has been busier than ever! (15+ cakes in one week...)
Homeschool Co-Op has started, and we are preparing for the first show the Drama Class will be preforming to raise money for supplies. I'll be singing and playing guitar.
My Birthday was three days ago!! But I'll be celebrating next weekend...
Got my hair cut.
The weather has grown quite chilly over here, and I am enjoying it, immensely!
My family and I are moving to Kenya, Africa!!!
We will be moving within two years from now, (but we think we will be gone by this time next year.)
We are all quite excited!!
Our vision is to begin a boarding-house-like place, for missionaries that need a clean, safe spot to stay.
It will be like a cluster of little houses, where each traveling group can stay.
God has called our family to go there, and we are being obedient.
No, we aren't crazy.
No, we aren't weird.
And no, it isn't stupid.
We are being obedient followers of Christ. And that might look strange and "radical" to some Christians, but it shouldn't... This should look as normal as the rising of the sun.
I'm not saying all Christians should move to Africa; I am saying all Christians need to be so fully obedient to God that any act of obedience would look "normal," not only to us, but to the world. The people of the earth would see an act of obedience and say,
"Oh, that must be a Follower of Christ."
Pray, and ask God to lead you where He will...
P.S.- By the way, the Foreign Language I am learning is Swahili... lol!
Sister in Christ,