Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bramblewood Fashion ❘ Modest Fashion Blog: Roses & Lace ❘❘ Sunday Style + Origami Owl GC Give...

(Bramblewood Fashion ❘ Modest Fashion Blog: Roses & Lace ❘❘ Sunday Style + Origami Owl GC Give...: What I'm Wearing Graphic Tee -- Lauren Conrad via Thrift Store (Free) Crocheted Vest -- c/o OASAP (Free) Burgundy Cam...)

Sharing this Blog... Ashley does a fabulous job of making modest fashionable! Gives me all kinds of ideas for outfits.

She is doing a giveaway this week, and one way to enter is to share on our blog-page.

Go check her out!! She is really neat. :)

Monday, July 15, 2013

Dealing with life...

So it's back to "normal life." The usual spin of school, chores, getting along with siblings, and church... And although it is what I would have deemed "normal" before, I know now it is not.

There is something different.

Something so subtle, yet so outrageously huge.

But the thing is, this "something" is not a something I can explain.

It is so deep down, even I can't understand it.

I was granted the ability to take a peek outside of my own little world. I was allowed to reach out of my comfort-zone to see beyond my self-made circles. I was able to touch the places and people who are thought too dirty to touch.

There is so much more to life and Christianity than going to church on Sundays!!!!

Yeah, you go to church. So what??
Sure, you give %10 of your paycheck. So what??
Okay, you are a "good person." Who cares??

If you don't reach out to others, all of that is worthless. If you don't love others, it doesn't matter.

And "love" isn't that warm, fuzzy feeling we all think we know. Love is action, behavior, and truth.

If you "love" someone, but don't care about their needs, you don't love them.
Love would care enough to look outside of itself and see the needs of the other person, and strive to meet them.

Love IS action.

You can talk all day about how much you love GOD, and not move a muscle to reach out. Do you really love HIM?
You can cry all day about all of the orphans in Africa, and never seek to help them. Do you really care?
We can preach all year about the Great Commission, yet never step foot beyond the church. Do we really believe in it?

I used to be content to stay in my "Christian Bubble"; going to church every Sunday and Wednesday, doing some ministry occasionally, hoping and praying that someday GOD would use me in a mighty way.

I got a wake-up call.

I can no longer be content with my old life.

Life is no longer about me.

Yes, I still do all of these things, but there is more meaning to it.

After seeing the joy that the Kenyan people had when we came to visit, I know I have never really been a joyful person.
After seeing the servant's hearts in those people, I know I have never really been a servant.
After seeing the contentment in those people, I know I have never really been content.

I want to walk away with this: "God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong."

I am prayerfully seeking to change, not only how I live my life; but how I look at things, my attitude, and choosing to love others with the love CHRIST had for me.

Forever changed,

Hannah Wilson

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day #5 through #9

Yes, I know I haven't Blogged in for the past four days... I kept trying to write, but I couldn't seem to find the words.

These last few days have been a great big blur. In this spinning daze, we have made some amazing friendships that will last a lifetime, we have stepped out of our comfort-zones, and we have been drastically humbled and stretched.

But tonight is our last night...

Visiting the Children's Home and Feeding-Station/School has been such a blessing. These children know the true meaning of joy. These children who, by American standards, have nothing, are more hospitable than many of our richest people. They dance and sing; they jump and shout just because we have come to visit them.

Each of us had the opportunity to teach two classes at the school. The first time, I taught the 4th and 5th grade class. The second time, Zoe and I taught the 3rd grade class. It was so much fun!!

At the Children's Home, I made many new friends. Sylvia, Stencha, Veronicah, and many more! I taught them the song, "Down to the River To Pray," and they absolutely loved it!!

I spent time with my Kenyan sister, Elizabeth. She has the sweetest spirit, and the most contagious smile. She has me wrapped around her little finger. And she is happy to know that we are moving to Kitale soon.

I have experienced so much joy on this trip... I will never be able to express how I have felt and how I am feeling now. I hold so much joy in my heart, but I am filled with sorrow because I am leaving this place and these people I have come to love.

I have completely fallen in love with this place and these people. Any feelings of fear or not wanting to move here have faded away. I am ready to come back, and this time to stay.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day #4

Sometimes you just can't put into words the things you have felt, seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and touched... That is how I feel.

So, where did we go today?
It is impossible to describe the place with only one word. But we do.
We call it a slum.

You cannot imagine the filth and the stench. Garbage and sewage is trampled underfoot. Animals rummage through it, looking for a bite to eat. Unidentifiable fumes and smoke thicken the air, along with the smell of unwashed bodies. Vendors work in their stands, selling everything from clothing to fish. Flies swarm everyone and everything. Children run around freely, wearing shoes far too large, too worn, or none at all. As you drive by, everyone stares at you; some smile, others grimace. The children chase the van screaming,

"How are you?! How are you?!"

If you take the time to smile and wave to them, their faces light up, and they return the kind gesture. As you continue on, you see women and young girls with babies slung on their backs. Hardly anyone is idle; they are all doing something. Some are carrying loads on their heads, others are hauling wood in a cart, and still more are just walking with no destination in mind. The little meat-markets are scattered throughout; but they have no way to keep the meat clean, cold, and safe for consumption. Tables of dried minnows and fruit are close by, being touched by the stale air.

And amid all of this, there are the schools.

At the first school, all of the children fell in love with us, and us with them. They held our hands, talked to us, sang with us, danced with us, and laughed with us. Immediately, we all became good friends.
Zoe, (age 11, and a true joy to have on the team with us,) met and became close to two young girls by the age of 11 and 12. They were inseparable from the moment they met.
I became friends with a girl who was nearly 15 years old. She was a translator for us, and was so sweet to me. I also had the privilege of meeting her mother, who is one of the teachers there.

The whole school just warmed my heart! The children were genuinely excited for us to visit them.

We were there for perhaps 30 minutes, and then it was time to go. When the young children heard this, they wrapped their arms around us and cried,

"Don't leave us! Take us home with you!"

It absolutely broke my heart. I felt so many emotions, ranging from sadness to anger to shock. I felt like my heart was being torn in two. I was angry at myself, because I could not stay longer with them. I was shocked and bewildered that they had reacted this way, and because we had all become so close in such a short time.

Love is a curious thing. It brings such joy, but can bring such sadness too...

Zoe and I held it together. We smiled and waved to the kids, out the van window. As we drove down the road, we both sat in silence. I think I can speak for both of us when I say our insides were aching.

Susan, (our pastor and team-leader's wife,) looked in the back and saw us sitting. She asked if we were okay.

"You know it is okay to cry..." she said.

As soon as she said that, the floodgates broke loose.


Visiting the other schools was not as hard.
Each school had a short show to put on for us. They all sang and danced beautifully!!

I was very humbled at the second school.
They were living in the middle of the trash and muck. The had very small rooms with little light to see. Their uniforms were ragged. But they were all so proud! And they were so thankful for the fact that GOD had provided a clean concrete slab for the children to play on, for transparent sheets to use as skylights in the rooms, and for plenty of rice and beans for their children to eat.
They had so little, yet had so much.

At the last school, (which was held in the church we taught the conference at,) there were many small children. Before the program started, I ran to the restroom. (I'm not going to lie, I have tried to avoid speaking of the restrooms, but I have to, so you can understand this story...) The restrooms at this school/church are, quite literally, holes in the floor with shaky stalls made of wood and sheets of metal.
After I had went into the stall, a little kid came running in, trying to open the door. I was pushing against the door to keep it closed, because there were no locks on the inside.
Soon, a little face was looking through one of the many cracks in the door.
I shoved my hands over the crack, telling them to not come in.
The child stopped trying to get in, but I heard a small, rattling sound on the other side. When I looked closer, I saw that there was a lock, but it was on the outside. The kid locked me in the bathroom.
Well, I kinda freaked out... But I didn't scream out to someone, because I was mortified.

What to do?? I shook the stall, hoping the lock would slip out. I reached through the cracks, trying to reach the lock. And finally, I shoved my fingers through a half-inch space, and scooted the lock out of the pin.

When I came out, nearly 15 minutes later, the ladies were wondering why I took so long.
When I explained my situation, I could not get them to stop laughing...


We are heading out to Kitale!! Please pray for safe travel, and for all of our luggage to arrive on time.
Thank you for your time! :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day #2 and #3

The past two days have been so busy, I didn't have the time or energy to write!!  But it has been a good kind of busy...

Yesterday, we went to the pastors' conference. The women who came were very tickled that "women from America" came to visit and give them council. There were no young people for me to teach, so I listened to the other ladies. (They all did a fabulous job!!) In the lessons, the ladies were reminded that they are the "crown of creation." GOD saved them for last, when HE made the world. Women were the "finishing touch." (Needless to say, they were all very happy to hear this!) The women all walked out of the session with their heads held high...

Today, we finished the conference. Both the men and women had many questions that needed to be answered; so the final session was held together.

Right after we finished the conference, everyone wanted to take our picture!! It was rather uncomfortable to me... I don't like too much attention focused on me at one time. But being white missionaries, there was no choice. We posed with everyone, picture after picture. Finally, they were all happy...

When that little experience was over, we went into the slum for an "open-air." (In an Open-Air, people stand in the streets to share testimonies, preach, and sing.) All of the children swarmed us, as we walked. They all wanted to shake our hands, and touch our skin. As we played with them, more and more kids came! We were surrounded by children who only wanted a new friend.
Although, I had to laugh... There was a small group of little boys, (all around 7-8 years old) who kept staring at me and giggling. When I waved to them and said hi, they all giggled harder. Soon, they began pushing one another in my direction saying,

"Go talk to her! Go speak to her!"

To which the other would say,

"No, YOU go talk to her!"

And soon the whispers turned to,

"You love her! You want to marry her!"

One of them eventually became quite bold, and kissed my hand as we left.
What can you say to that...? I just had to laugh. It was too precious...


Today was a HUGE blessing!! I cannot wait to go back tomorrow to share Jesus with all of them. It will be my turn to get in front of everyone on the street; so please pray for me. We will also visit the slum-schools.

My mom will be meeting with the person who is helping us get our visas, as well. Please pray all goes well!

Thanks for the prayers!! :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day #1

We made it!! After 19 hours of sitting in an airplane, we are comfortably sitting at a boarding-house in Nairobi, Kenya. All of our luggage was accounted for, and we didn't have any problems. Thanks for the prayer!!

We got in around 12:00 AM, and slept until 10:30. (I must say, sleep never felt so good!) After eating breakfast, (or, I guess, lunch...) we ladies went to the mall. (Which was quite an experience, I must say!) I could never go into all of the details, but many of the fun(ny) moments included a stand in the mall selling roasted-corn-on-a-stick, us trying on BIG crazy wigs, and buying some flip-flops and a toy giraffe from a street-vendor.

We enjoyed our "recovery day," but are ready to start work tomorrow. We are going to the pastors' conference to share with the ladies and/or any youth that come. I have two lessons prepared, but when we were walking through the mall, I was talking to one of the women that came with us. As we were talking, a new lesson hit me like a ton of bricks! GOD revealed that we need to have the faith and trust of little children, when it comes to our relationship with HIM.(I will share more about it after I get a chance to read my BIBLE and write some things down.) But this will surely be a new one for me to share!

We are all very tired, but very happy. None of us have gotten sick, so thanks for praying for that. (But please keep those prayers up! The dinner we ate tonight might have been a bit of a mistake... it didn't taste quite right.)

I will do my best to keep everyone updated! I cannot wait to see what GOD is going to do on this trip.
Keep up those prayers!! We appreciate it. :)

Hannah Wilson

(I thought I would share a picture of where we are currently staying... This is the "Mennonite House" in Nairobi, Kenya.)